ATTENTION: This page will be updated frequently as we continue to add helpful resources for students trying to get a grasp on alternate course delivery methods during the COVID-19 event.
If you have questions about a particular class, I recommend that you first check your student email account and/or Canvas Course Site for communication from your instructor. In the event that you have not received any communication, please email your instructor directly: VHCC Faculty and Staff Directory.
If you require immediate technical assistance please email the VHCC Helpdesk (
Ken Fairbanks
Director, Learning Resources Division
Virginia Highlands Community College
VHCC COVID 19 In-Person Class: Student Guidelines
This document provides guidelines for keeping students and employees safe during the current COVID-19 pandemic for all in-person classes offered at VHCC starting on August 30, 2021.
VHCC Faculty and Staff Directory
Currently the majority of faculty and staff are working remotely off-campus. The linked directory will provide you with email addresses and phone numbers. If attempting to contact a VHCC employee by phone you will be required to leave a voicemail. Most faculty and staff have remote access to both email and voicemail. Email is the preferred method of communication.
Do you have questions dealing with technology, Canvas, Zoom, Email, etc.? Contact the VHCC Helpdesk:
If you look in the lower right-hand corner of any VHCC webpage you will see the LiveChat icon
Click the icon to access our live chat option to communicate directly with key service centers at VHCC.
Directions for Accessing the MyVHCC Portal (Video Tutorial)
Minimum Computer Recommendations for Students Purchasing a New Computer
Minimum Computer Requirements for Online Courses (Computers more than 3 yrs. old)
Laptop Checkout for VHCC Students
- Canvas Overview Video (4:21)
- Canvas Student App (4:56)
- Download the Canvas Student App on your mobile device: Apple IOS and Google Android
- Canvas Tutorials for Students
- Canvas Video Guides
- 24/7 Canvas Chat Support for Students
- Test Your Camera, Microphone and Speakers Before Joining a Zoom Meeting
- Learn About In-Meeting Controls Before Joining a Zoom Meeting
- Joining a Zoom Web Conference (Video Less than a minute)
- Using Zoom on a Mobile Device (PDF)
- Download the Zoom App on your mobile device: Apple IOS andGoogle Android
- Accessing Zoom Recordings in Canvas (Video 2:26)
- Using Zoom for Student Study Groups and Group Projects (Video 14:30)
- Zoom Etiquette
- Zoom Help Center
- Brainfuse Overview (Video 4:57)
- Tutor Match Overview (Video 1:17)
- Using Tutor match to Meet with VHCC Mentors - Directions
- VHCC MARC Academic Mentoring Schedule
Download FREE MS Office 365, Respondus Lockdown Browser, Respondus Test Creation Software, etc. (Requires MyVHCC login)
Free WiFi Locations and Home Internet Offers
We are currently compiling a list of free WiFi locations in the service area along with any offers for free home internet by local Internet Service Providers.
WiFi Access
- VHCC Parking Lots with WiFi Access
- Washington County School Locations with WiFi Availability
- All Bristol Virginia Parks have Free WiFi in their parking areas including Sugar Hollow Park at Exit 7.
- Smyth County Schools are providing free WiFi access in all school parking lots.
- First Baptist Church of Damascus Parking Lot
- Virginia WiFi Hotspot Locations (Interactive Map)
Internet and Mobile Provider Offers
- FCC agreement stating that providers will waive late fees, not cutoff service for lack of payment, and open hot-spots.
- Comcast COVID-19 response: offers free WiFi for 2 months to low income families plus all Xfinity hot-spots are free to the public during this time
- Charter Free Internet offer for 2 months
- Point Broadband: no special offers, but following the FCC agreement.
- AT&T COVID-19 response: offers open hot-spots, unlimited data to existing customers, and $10/month plans to low income families
- Verizon COVID-19 response: no special offers, but following the FCC agreement.
- Sprint COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, provides unlimited data to existing customers, and, starting Tuesday, 3/17/2020, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge (I expect others will follow).
- T-Mobile COVID-19 response: follows FCC agreement, plus unlimited data to existing customers, and, coming soon, will allow all handsets to enable hot-spots for 60 days at no extra charge